Finally got all the parts together and some time in the shop to get the motor re-ringed, and back together. It started with a hone of the cylinder to deglaze the friction surface. Jon whipped out the aircraft cylinder adjustable hone. It has two blades that are felt and two super fine stone blades. He also has a homemade oil bath that squirts oil in a recirculating system that filters it while you are honing. Pretty slick.

After honing, the cylinder goes on. Jon punched out a super thin ring sleeve to hold the rings tight as you slide them into the cylinder, using a hose clamp to keep the sleeve tight. As the cylinder is lowered over the rings, the sleeve is pushed down slowly because Jon punched dimples in it so it wouldn't slide up in the cylinder as well. "You think I done this a few times before??" he says...
Prior to torquing down the studs, Jon suggested we anneal the copper washers that go under the nuts and act as seals. The method: heating the washers until barely glowing then dropping them in water. Then we torqued down the cylinder, the head and dropped the cam in, checked the timing marks then finally time to call it a night.
Hoping the rest of my kit gets here in the next few weeks, then paint, swingarm modification and final assembly.